Speech-Language Therapy
Our Speech-Language Pathologists/Therapists (SLP/SLT)evaluate, diagnose and provide evidence based therapy for children with:
- Speech-Language Delay/Developmental Delay
- Social Communication Disorder
- Autism/ Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder
- Down’s syndrome/ Other Syndromes
- Feeding / Swallowing Disorder
- Articulation/ Phonological Disorder (Unclear Speech, e.g. fan – pan)
- Childhood Apraxia of Speech, CAS
Special Highlight:
We strongly believe in Oral Motor Therapy. We are amongst the very few in Malaysia with all our SLP/SLT certified and actively practicing TalkTools ™ Program during our speech therapy sessions. We specialize in working with non-verbal children with Autism to elicit the first word by using TalkTools ™Approach.
Occupational Therapy
Our Pediatric Occupational Therapists (OT) evaluate, diagnose and provide evidence based therapy for children with Autism, Hyperactive, Developmental Delay and etc. OTs focus on improving function in the following areas:
- Sensory Processing / Sensory Integration (e.g. attention, emotional self-regulation, organisation)
- Gross Motor Skills (e.g. jumping)
- Fine Motor Skills (e.g. handwriting)
- Activity of Daily Living (e.g. toilet-training, dressing, grooming)
Special Highlight:
- Year 2018, we are the first private centre in Northen Region of Malaysia to have a Sensory Snoezelen Room.
: A Snoezelen room is a controlled multi-sensory environment which offers the child a range of tactile, visual and interactive activities to engage with. It provides a range of sensory stimulation that may be tailored to meet the needs of children with Autism in order to manage sensory processing and assist in the preparation for engagement in meaningful activity.
Early Intervention Program (EIP)
EIP is an individualized intervention program for young children with developmental delays, challenging behavior or learning difficulties. EIP provides intensive individual support in a therapeutic setting to develop the essential skills needed for a child to join the main-stream school.
Special Highlights of Early Intervention Program:
Covers the development of 6 domains:
- Cognitive Development
- Gross and Fine MotorDevelopment
- Activities of Daily Living (e.g. toilet training)
- Language Development
- Social Emotional Development
- Pre-academic Development
Personal Learning Assistant Program
PLA Program is the key supporting wing to ensure the smooth transition from therapeutic settings to real life main-stream school settings. PLA is an effective tool that pairs a trained professional aide with a child with special needs. PLA supports a child to integrate into a mainstream learning environment for the entire school day with the aim to increase children’s level of independence.
Special Highlights of Pacific PLA Program:
- Inclusive of:
- Multi-disciplinary IEP meetings with the school and family.
- Weekly Individual Intervention Session in our centre for academic revision.
- Weekly Social Skills Program based on Alex Kelly Talkabout™ Modules.
School Readiness Program, SRP
School Readiness Program, a platform to rehearse the skills learned, aimed to help young children transit smoothly to a main-stream school environment. High levels of support are provided for children to interact and learn new skills with guidance. It helps develop their potential, thereby overcoming developmental delays as far as possible by implementing therapy concepts into SRP.
Special Highlights of Pacific SRP:
-SRP emulates school activities and curriculums in a small group setting with a low 1:4 teacher to student ratio.
-Individual Education Program (IEP) focusing on self-care (e.g. toilet training), social skills, speech-language (e.g. receptive & expressive language) and pre-academic skills (e.g. hand-writing)
– Work closely with family by having:-
:Weekly updates in individual communication book.
: Monthly parents-teachers-therapists meeting.
– We promote independency by implementing TEACCH concept to maximize their functionality in main-stream schools.
– Enhance learning by incorporating Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS), in our daily routine and schedule.
Workshop / Training
We strive to be the catalyst for change in the area of children with special needs by organizing workshops and events to empower our parents, teachers, allied health professionals, as well as medical practitioners. We provide the following services:
- International Certification Workshop: We invite speakers from authorize international organizations for participants from Malaysia, and South East Asia.
- Local Parent-Teacher Training / Workshop:Due to the multi-lingual environment, we organize workshops in English, Mandarin and Malay for the local community.
- Placement for Interns: We are well-recognized by both the local government University and private colleges as placement for internship.
Special Highlights:
We are the first in Malaysia to invite the following speakers / founders from overseas for certification workshops in Penang, Malaysia.
- Year 2017, Ms. Lori Overland from the U.S, co-founder and speaker of TalkTools Program, deliveredher first certification workshop in Malaysia on Feeding Therapy: A Sensory-Motor Approach
- Year 2018, Ms. Alex Kelly from the U.K., the founder and author of the best-selling Talkabout Resources, delivered her first certification workshop in Malaysia on Assessing & Teaching Social Skills.